Planck Foundation

Planck Foundation advocates regarding agricultural sciences:

  • air is 78% N: N out of the air binding bacteria on co/between flora (or on host powder) will supply all agri N demand
  • haber-bosch process N fertilizer will become almost obsolute before 2025 (lowering global natural gas demand severely)
  • only by/after sowing a little N fertilizer will be applied, resulting in a huge cost reduction in agriculture
  • the use of rock flour as flora micro nutrient fertilizer will boom the next decade: it's very cheap and very effective
  • the last time the world was fertilized this way was during the last ice age (when freezing released dust from rocks)
  • no-till farming will boost by this too: the root system of the co/between crops will deliver soil structure and drainage
  • only tractor tracks will be tilled before each new crop cycle, resulting in a huge cost reduction in agriculture
  • no-till farming noty only give cost benefits, it also improves soil quality and water shortness/access regulation
  • due to other fertilizer and tilling approaches the cost price of agriculture will drop significantly
  • desert greening by seawater irrigation and salt water staple crops (halophytes) will double global food production
  • the halophyte salicornia will replace GMO/glyphosate based soy and tropical woods ruining based palm (proteins/fats)
  • malthus his dark global food shortages/prices predictions made in 1798 are proven false for 220 years long now
  • malthusianism left the engineer (science) out of its equations: delivering a total false result (it's a believe, not science)
  • biophysics based flora grow/defence technology (physics will compete massive with chemics and genetics) (link)
  • biosymbiosis based flora defence technology (use of sub flora to activate the immune system of the main crop)
  • biosymbiosis based flora fertilizer technology (use of sub flora to fertilize the grow process of the main crop)
  • biosymbiosis based flora water technology (use of sub flora to harvest more dew as micro irrigation for the main crop)
  • biosymbiosis based flora soil technology (use of sub flora to improve soil biological/chemical quality and structure)
  • intercropping (use of sub flora for soil structure, chemical/biological quality, soil protection and dew harvesting)
  • artificial biodiversity by several different crops in abreast rows in fields (prevents/represses monoculture problems)
  • the initiation of decentralized DNA preserving gardens as far as possible (preventing centralized DNA storage/powers)
  • an open DNA database where public domain DNA is listed (preventing patent warriors to patent natural existing DNA)
  • a total ban on patenting any DNA (as natural/public DNA currently massively is transferred to the proprietary domain)
  • decentral seed policies/knowledge/corporations (for preventing concentrated DNA power and attached monocultures)
  • big corporate seed concentrations are the biggest treat for global food production (as they undermine nature's diversity)
  • heterogene local/regional seed cultivation is the best way to maintain the DNA bandwidth of global food production
  • local/regional seed cultivation's diversity is the best insurance against a sudden collapse of global food production
  • the combination of biosymbiosis, intercropping and decentral seed structures deliver maximal agricultural biodiversity
  • 'golden rice' and the 'orange banana' are useless PR products of gentech (just eating a carrot delivers more carotene)
  • intercropping by flora that can bind N out of the air into the soil (an energy free on location fertilizer)
  • intercropping by flora that stimulates the defence mechanism of main crops (reduce the demand for chemical protection
  • algae/bacteria focused research that can bind N out of the air into the soil (energy free local fertilizer) (link)
  • replacement of ploughing by less deep loosening (keeps soil surface bio more vital to support growth/defence)
  • promotion of new agricultural commodities delivers crop diversification (wider crop cycles reduce chemical use severely)
  • sunflower/rapa can replace soy for oil, nettles/hemp can replace cotton for fibers, lupin can replace soy for protein
  • the use of algae as a new agricultural resource (fast growth of high quality food oils on natural salt water surfaces)
  • the use of duckweed as a new agricultural resource (fast growth of high quality proteins on sweet water surfaces)
  • the use of seaweed as a new agricultural resource (fast growth of high quality proteins/carbons on salt water surfaces)
  • commercial aquaculture duckweed farming will recover phosphates out of waste water before they flows to sea
  • current waste water models are disposing phosphorus for ever for the food chain (DNA in each cell is made of P)
  • sunspot quantity has a direct effect on global food price levels and by this on civil unrest caused by high food prices
  • connection roads attached smart suburbanization to maintain rural biodiversity (gardens deliver artificial biodiversity)
  • connection roads attached smart suburbanization to re-establish wildlife corridors (gardens deliver artificial corridors)
  • smart suburbanization to keep rural areas economic viable (cities have structural energy and food deficits)
  • less pesticides use + more biodiversity help to restore the bee population (pollination is crucial for food production)
Planck Foundation produces analyses and models based on these issues and also is lobbying intensively for these issues.

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Planck Foundation