Planck Foundation advocates regarding physical sciences:Planck Foundation produces analyses and models based on these issues and also is lobbying intensively for these issues.
- the core of physics is electricity/magnetism: mass/gravity combo is just a set of derivitives of electricity/magnetism
- einstein wrongly advocated a set of core derivitives as the core: a dogma has blocked progress in physics severely
- einstein's superannuated focus on the derivitives mass/gravity has detoured physics for more than a century
- both the universe and the atom are electric/magnetic driven: the mass/gravity drive has just too much loopholes
- there are no particles, there's only energy: this makes developing a valid theory of everything possible
- a proton is a positive charge/power and the base of everything
- a neutron is a positive charge/power (a 'proton') plus a negative power/charge
- nuclei are is just a cluster of numbers of these powers/charges
- the number of 'protons' in a nucleus defines the elements
- the number of 'neutrons' in a nucleus defines the isotope variants of the elements
- 'electrons' are a negative charge/power that has a binding influence on the nuclei
- an energy 'particle' based quantum physics theory (replacement of the matter particle based quantum physics theories)
- atoms of elements are just organized energy structures (and it's characterics are just consequences of that structure)
- the matter based perception (with mass and gravity as characteristics) of elements was a detour in physical sciences
- the everything is just organized energy based thesis open wide new futures for physical research/understanding/models
- current physical sciences perspectives are to much mass/gravity focused and should be more energy/electric focused
- black holes collect energy (part of it we call matter) till they explode: the cyclic universe
- every break through in physics will reveal more simplicity (as it reveals more of the whole universal design) (Feynman)
- the electron's structure gives it mass, spin, charge, magnetic moment, broglie wave, relativity and more (Robinson)
- another system of science funding (corporate sponsoring of students and not of professors grows scientific knowledge)
- the use of physical science in new energy research (nuclear fusion by magnetism/lasers and efficient energy transport)
- the use of physical science in agriculture (biophysics as an alternative/supplement to biochemicals and/or biogenetics)
- climate is such a complex system that simplifying it (CO2 as main facet) is just a sign of limited knowledge
- the cosmic radiation/gravity driven earth's core/mantle processes theory (as an addition to pressure based theory)
- the cosmic radiation/gravity driven earth's climate processes theory (alternative to the CO2 based theory)
- the IPCC models are narrow windowed and politized (consensus is politics, science is well organized scepticism)
- the IPCC models are narrow science area driven (input of geoscience, cosmoscience and waterscience is minimized)
- the regular conception within science is 'the more you know, the more you realize the less you know' (unlike IPCC)
- CO2 is one of the four pillars of life (CO2 + water H20 + sunlight + minerals = photosynthesis = O2 + flora = foodchain)
- increasing CO2 levels is widely used in agriculture to speed up photosynthesis (just a harmless atmospheric fertilizer)
- ice-caps on earth and Mars are shrinking/growing in the same rate (warming/cooling is sun/universe driven) (NASA)
- all global geo engineering plans are based on an over estimated perspective on mankind's capacity (the world is too big)
- creating nuclear events is the only geo 'engineering' mankind is capable of (which can't be labeled as engineering too)
- the growing or variable earth size theory (replacement of Wegener's in 1915 published drifting continental plates theory)
- the not-stable/more-active earth's core and mantle theory (which potentially dwarfs climate change in severe effects)
- the geological layer chaos is caused by the growing/variable earth size theory (cosmic radiation = more/less active core)
- the decay/fission/fusion rate of earth mantle/core processes is variable (and driven bij solar/cosmic radiation)
- climate change as a result of uni/geo physics and not of human behavior (doesn't change climate change nor effects)
- knowledge of urban 'heat islands' (by still air urban temperatures can be even 8 degrees C higher than in rural areas)
- knowledge of the moving of the poles (in the 21st century the north pole will travel away of America towards/on Siberia)
- knowledge of the opposite climate changes on the northern and southern hemisphere (explains local climate changes)
- ice levels on the arctic and the antarctic have always reversed quantities (see graph of antarctic ice data)
- knowledge of the Milankovitch Cycles (as the orbit of the earth around the sun has a dynamic elipse shape) (link)
- by this all Al Gore can rather be diagnosed as an autistic narrow focused politician than as a comprehensive scientist
- the effects of a strong solar originated EMP in a digital era are totally underestimated (it can wipe out all ICs)
- the abundance of hydrocarbons on Titan undermines the common excepted fossil energy origin theory severely (link)
- the a/semi biotic carbohydro origin theory (replacement of the fermented mammoths fossil hydrocarbon origin theory)
- hydrocarbons are not biology reworked by geology, but geology reworked by biology (Nikolai Kudryavtsev / Thomas Gold)
- hydrocarbons could be delivered as billion of years of cosmic dust from massive/unstable sources like the van Oort cloud
- the elements in hydrocarbons (H+C) could be manufactured by nuclear processes in earth's core / mantle
- hydrocarbons could be manufactured of elementary H+C by chemical/biological processes in earth's core/mantle
- archaea (the third branch of the phylogenetic tree) can produce hydrocarbons also in very hot/deep environments
- deep/heat biology has been proven in/around deep ocean vulcanos research (which moved scientific bounders further)
- deep elementary water has been proven by all deep drilling exploration like the Kola Superdeep Borehole (link)
- just like the spin of the earth powers ocean currents, hydrocarbons are centifugial forced towards earth's surface
- no change to the peakenergy theory by the deep oil theory (which just helps to find new/expensive oil/coal/resources)
- exploring carbo hydros could contribute to the prevention of atmospheric carbon injections and their destruction (link)
- sun activity cycle: the sun switches magnetic polarity every 11 year, with variable sun activity levels in this process)
- the 3D orbit of the planets of our solar system is the driver of the 22 year solar cycle (polarity change every 11 year)
- if sun's/earth's core activities are high each 8 minutes the magnetic system of the earth unloads to the sun (NASA)
- solar system cycle: our solar system has universe orbital driven cycles (we don't understand by our limited time window)
- the sun travels 200km/sec 124mi/sec 0.66% lightspeed through the galaxy and pulls the solar system planets along (link)
- the orbit of the planets around the sun is eliptical vortecular with a torque dynamic (not flat/centrical orbit) (link) (link)
- radiation and gravity change as the solar system travels through the galaxy (effects of these changes are yet unknow)
- the orbit of the moon is not flat but 3D too (impacting tide movements / ocean currents / earth quakes) (link)
- the perception of flat planatary solar system planet orbits are build on not taking the orbit of the sun into the picture
- as the flat earth model disappeared by new knowledge so the flat planatary orbits model will disappear too (3D orbits)
- the journey of our solar system in our the Milky Way galaxy determines solar activity and climate change
- solar activity is driven by radiation and gravity changes the galactical orbit of our solar system delivers (as is climate)
- sun polarity cycles are driven by jupiter's orbit of the sun, sun cycle intensivity is driven by saturn's orbit of the sun
- sun's heat source is not an internal thermonuclear furnace but it's huge intense external magnetic field (E. Chromie)
- solar wind is actually the magnetic field current flow that creates the plasma in its path (E. Chromie)
- phenomena that violate laws of physics under conventional logic can be explained by a magnetic sun model (E. Chromie)
- the iron/magnetic sun model will lead to a new nuclear 2.0 (magnetic) based energy generation technology for mankind
- solar activity is still often measured in sunspot numbers (subjective) but solar gauss values give 100% objective data
- sunspots numbers are inflated data for suncycles (as by modern hightech telescopes even the micros are visible) (link)
- sunspots' size/strength/timespan/latitude are more important than just sunspot numbers (counts don't give that data)
- sunspots' magnetic strengths are better quality data sources for sun intensity (can't be inflated like sunspots numbers)
- sunspots' overall magnetic strengths are inversely proportional to the magnetic field strength of the sun's north pole
- the magnetic field strength of newly produced sunspots is declining linearly year by year by ~77 gauss per year (NASA)
- measuring the sun's north pole magnetic field gives one objective (reversed/inverted) figure of sun's activity (link)
- increasing sunspot maxima equals a strengthening solar era, decreasing sunspot numbers equals a weakening solar era
- as sunspots only form by magnetic strengths of >1500 gauss: sunspots could be disappearing for some time (century)
- the sunspot number should be replaced by sun's northpole gauss value (as sun's np gauss can be measured accurately)
- the sun's northpole gauss value is increasing if the sun's activity level goes down (inverted calculation factor)
- sun's core and surface activity level is moderated by cosmic rays (the journey of the solar system in the universe)
- there's a 11 year micro suncycle and there are longer periods spanning mesa/macro cycles (larger solar periods)
- there's a direct correlation between sunactivity/sunspots and acid rain (by the intensity/volume of evaporation/rain)
- there's a correlation between sunactivity and earthpolar ozone holes (more cold turns O3 quicker back into O2) (NASA)
- as sun gauss data is just an expression of the solar activity: the 21st century could be a cold/dry/dusty/acid one
- in solar super cycle minima the sky has in the summers more clouds (less sun) and in the winters less cloud (more cold)
- the sun generate solar energy (SE), generate solar neutrinos (SN), and discharge waste products in the solar wind (SW)
- earth's core/mantle activities are moderated by cosmic rays (aka by the journey of the solar system in the universe)
- earth quake frequency/intensity is equally proportional with the easy to measure sun's poles gauss values
- microdust levels are equally proportional with sun's pole gauss values (due to less rain / more cosmic dust enterance)
- microdust levels an in low sunspot years double than regular (in 2011 total year values are already reached in May)
- sunspots/sungauss values direct effects food prices and by this inflation, economic developments, GDP and civil unrest
- sunspots/sungauss values direct effects sun based energy models like PV, CPS and wind (wind indirect is sun driven too)
- many elements are formed by the nuclear processes in the earth's inner mantle (science neglects earth's core/mantle)
- the location of our solar system in the Milky Way determines the climate on earth (drives cores/mantles of sun/earth)
- if the sun is in a hibernation period the ionosphere and the van allen belts are less strong (delivering less protection)
- the magnetosphere is not that much stable as we thought is was (breaches in it leaks more solar wind to earth) (NASA)
- less protection delivers more cosmic radiation and more cosmic dust (clouds will mature more difficult: more water vapor)
- more cosmic radiation and more cosmic dust deliver too much rain drop 'seeds': more clouds and less rain (Kirkby | CERN)
- less cloud maturing = more clouds = less sunlight = less evaporation (and by that less rain/dew) and less photosynthesis
- more incoming cosmic dust/radiation will cause more rain at sea and less rain onshore (changing hydrological system)
- ocean currents, jet streams and storms are (besides by other factors) also driven by magnetic fields changes
- this explains the unlogical air pressure phenomenon (dry air delivers higher pressure, wet air delivers lower pressure)
- earth's core/mantle contributes to the global temperature by warming oceans (different depth temperature land/ocean)
- earth's core/mantle contributes to the global temperature by CH4 emission into the atmosphere (CH4+2O2=CO2+2H2O)
- earth's core/mantle CH4 production is responsible for the massive amount of water on earth (CH4+2O2=CO2+2H2O)
- there's a direct link between sun activity (measured in sunspot frequency/sizes) and earthquakes (cosmic rays/gravity)
- there's a direct link between the journey of our solar system in the universe and earthquakes (cosmic rays/gravity)
- geothermal energy is harvesting the heat of the nuclear decay/fission/fusion processes in the earth's core/mantle
- geothermal energy can be easily harvested on the hotspots in the earth's crust (limitless, endless and riskless)
- both cosmic gravity and the combination of cosmic radiation and the ionosphere influence core/mantle/magma behavior
- the sun is an unstable remain of a supernova that exploded ~5 Gyr ago and gave birth to the solar system (image) (link)
- Kuroda/Myers combined Th/U/Pu age dating shows that a supernova made our actinide elements ~5 Gyr years ago (link)
- nuclear repulsion is the core power source of the sun (solution 33% expected neutrinos emission mistery) (O. Manuel)
- neutron repulsion powers the sun for 60%: so the sun is not only a hydrogen fusion reactor (link)
- the sun's hydrogen is generated as the 'smoke' of the core's neutron replusion process (so NR is the basic process)
- the sun's hydrogen fusion occurs in the outer magnetic field of the sun and not in it's core (LANL)
- the volume of a neutron increases by about a factor of ~(10)^23 when it goes from the solar core to become H atom
- the mass to energy convertion through neutron repulsion is greater than for uranium fission or hydrogen fusion
- neutron emission from the sun's core triggers a series of reactions that generate the sun's characteristics
- neutron emission from the sun's core deliver luminosity, solar neutrinos and an outflow of hydrogen in the solar wind
- the sun’s corona's excess temperatures are caused by the continuous collision with / bombardment of cosmic particles
- the core of the sun is hidden inside a mantle made mostly of Fe that's covered with a surface veneer of H
- the core of the sun emits as 'smoke' neutrons (which quickly decay to H) (solving the solar neutrino mystery)
- the sun's core is a neutron star (Toth in Nature in 1977), neutron repulsion is the key process of the sun (Manuel)
- the sun has not a stable 'climate' (link to NASA discovery of 2010)
- neutron repulsion is restrained by competition between attractive forces of gravity and repulsive forces of neutrons
- the sun's neutron emission generates 60% SE
- the sun's neutron decay to hydrogen produces 5% SE and 90% SW
- the sun's hydrogen fusion to helium generates 35% SE and 10% SW
- the sun discharge waste products to interstellar space is 100% SW
- when a neutron goes from the compact solar core it become an interstellar atom of hydrogen
- the entire cosmos is composed of two forms of one fundamental particle: the neutron and the hydrogen atom
- the organic/recycling/energy universe (matter = just energy, some sections are contracting and some are expanding)
- gravitational redshift could be the result of huge orbits of static clusters (Robinsons alternative for the Doppler effect)
- huge orbits of static clusters can explain apparently straight lines (the earth time perspectives/window is limited)
- the universe and every atom in it can be represented by cyclic, reversible transitions between those two forms
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