Phasing Out Soy By Lupin
Most soy produced in the world is GMO (round-up ready soy). GMO soy produces the poison round-up within itself (so that it can resist excess spaying of round-up on the crop fields).
The poison round-up is of such a kind that destroys all flora/weeds it finds on it's way (accept the by GMO within theirselves round-up producing crops like soy or canola). The effective component of round-up has also severe impact on fauna (also on the human body: http://www.google.com/search?q=roundup+birth+defects).
Replacing imported soy originated protein and oil with domestic grown lupin originated protein and oil is a change that has a lot of huge upsides. It’s instant realizable (within a few years) and has huge benefits for farmers, nations/regions, global food brands, monetary/trade balances and the local/global environment.
Aside of the health risks of GMO soy: A gradual replacing of the purchase imported soy in steps by the purchase of domestic grown lupin in food production has quite a lot and also very big advantages:
- Less food miles (lupin is the ‘soy of the north’: can be grown nationally/regionally in colder climates).
- More efficient soil use (lupin grows also on relatively poor agricultural soils).
- Better food quality (as distance erodes food quality control mechanisms).
- Wider crop cycles by farmers by this new crop (a new crop widens the crop cycle).
- Higher yields by farmers due the crop cycle widening (wider crop cycle = higher yields).
- Less costs by the farmer due to the crop cycle widening (wider crop cycle = less demand for chemicals).
- Less chemical use/cost due to the crop widening (wider crop cycle = less demand for chemicals).
- Crop generated fertilizing of soil by lupin (lupin binds N out of the air and put it in the soil for next crops to use).
- Less fertilizer use/cost due crop cycle widening with lupin (lupin binds N out of the air and put it in the soil for next crops to use).
- Less ploughing costs due crop cycle widening with lupin (lupin roots go deep and enhance soil structure quality).
- Very good fats for new health products (lupins fats are better aka of higher quality than those of soy).
- Very good proteins for new health products (lupins proteins are better aka of higher quality than those of soy).
- Lupin in the lifestock food cycle deliver lifestock a wider range of proteins (and by this increasing lifestock health).
- Lupin in the food cycle (direct or by meat) deliver mankind a wider range of proteins (and by this increasing human health).
- Lupin is very good life stock feeding (delivering high quality and so more valued lupin feed quality meat).
- Lifestock feed with lupin is more profitable (lupin delivers a better lifestock food efficiency).
- Lifestock feed with lupin is healthier (lupin has less chemicals and more high quality fats/protein).
- Lifestock feed with lupin delivers better meat/dairy (more value adding due to higher prices).
- Lupin is a good fish meal replacers/ingredient for fish farms (lupin has less chemicals and more high quality fats/protein).
- Very good proteins for meat replacing products (a whole new market for food companies).
- Very good proteins for dairy replacing products (a whole new market for food companies).
- High quality fats for functional foods (lupin has some unique fats).
- High quality proteins for functional foods (lupin has some unique proteins).
- More crop driven food security (bringing in a new major crop increases food security by diversity).
- More geographical driven food security (lupin grows on other soils in other climates: delivering more geographical diversity).
- Lower food prices (due to wider crop cycle by lupin: reducing the farmers chemical/fertilizer/ ploughing cost and higher yields).
- Less rain forest molestation (and by that more O2 and more nature diversity conservation).
- Less GMO (in-line with consumers demand, preventing a corporate dna based food tax, preventing dna power concentrations).
- Lupin needs no nasty round-up poison use as soy needs (http://www.google.com/search?q=roundup+birth+defects).
- Lupin based meat/fish replacers are almost not different than meat in taste and structure (even hard core carnivores like lupin based meat replacers very much due their delicious taste).
- More consumption of lupin based meat/fish replacers delivers a 5 to 10 times more agricultural soil use efficiency in comparison with meat production (increasing the global food production capacity enormously).
- More national feed into the global food market (making a re-birth of the national wheat/protein supply potential possible).
- More easy/stable/longterm finance (by more/better sustainability levels) for food brand operators.
- More easy/stable/longterm marketing for food brand operators.
- More easy/stable/longterm sales for food brand operators.
- More easy/stable/longterm cost reduction for food brand operators.
- More easy/stable/longterm profits for food brand operators.
- More food autarky for nations/regions (http://www.google.com/search?q=kissinger+food).
- Less soy/food based monetary capital drain for nations/regions.
- More income for farmers (as governmental budgets and therefore agricultural subsidies are declining).
- Lupin makes lowers food production costs, increases food production levels and makes foods more healthier (making both food and good food more affordable).
- Lupin lowers human health risks (delivering more health/life quality to people and less health care costs/expenses to governments).
- Lupin improves the human health status (delivering more health/life quality to people and less health care costs/expenses to governments).
- Lupin can contribute significant in the global fight to obesities (delivering more health/life quality to people and less health care costs/expenses to governments).
Any Administration should consider this advantages and promote the agriculture of lupin as soon as possible to phase out imported soy.
Beyond delicious products based on lupin (meat, dairy, non-dairy, non-meat) can be tasted by ‘Master Chef Lupin’ aka Marco Westmaas. If a global food brand you want to taste lupin based products (to check/evaluate the viability of the information above): We can arrange that this master chef from Holland (quite a ‘god’ in making tastes) come to any location you want to cook a lupin products based star dinner for any part of the management of the global brand. They will be amazed by the splendid tastes of it all. As after all: taste is the final proof of all food related policies. You also could send someone to Holland to taste it.
Planck Foundation have no commercial interest in any of this all, there are no commercial interests regarding to this subject: this is just a very important move for maintaining food quality/security for nations and their people. We like the people in general and work for their prosperity and we like governments that protect their people for exploitation by the global corporate elites and work to support them in that objective.
GMO is a major part of getting the control of global food supply into a few corporate hands. This is something we all should resist. Food autarky is very important for any nation. No foreign party should have any influence on the food production nor exports of a nation. This is the reason behind this email: the danger of DNA power concentration that could bring Ukraine on it’s knees. GMO also makes the global food chain very poor in DNA richness and delivers by that the huge danger of collective/global failing crops (which could bring famine as wide as never seen before).
Nations like Ukraine (the former grain barn of the world) can become agri gigants again. Lupin can make nations like Ukraine an as big as the USA in terms of global food supply. This could enforce their monetary position significant (as history has showed us all that strong production = monetary health). It will reduce also governmental health costs and deliver a healthy new generation. Too much benefits that should be explored.
Global food brand operators can achieve a huge head start aka value adding towards retail chain’s own brands by replacing soy by lupin. Global food brand operators can achieve an instant fast/huge progress on all corporate facets within 2 years by replacing soy by lupin.
Nations can achieve an instant fast/huge progress on both food autarky as food import preventing monetary improvement by replacing soy by lupin.
Whole supply agricultural channel knowledge (from growth to trade) can be acquired by ‘Professor Lupin’ aka Professor Rob van Haren of Groningen University (http://www.rug.nl/staff/r.j.f.van.haren/index).
The food product potential list is long and divers: Lupin feed fish all types, lupin based fish replacer all types, lupin feed meet (pork, cow, chicken, etc), lupin based meat replacer (pork, cow, chicken, etc), lupin feed dairy, lupin base dairy replacers, lupin based oil and lupin based proteins for the food industry, etc, etc, etc.
Planck Foundation can explain above mentioned ‘soy to lupin’ facets/benefits to governmental and monetary officials in the nations of the northern hemisphere.
Gijs Graafland / Planck Foundation / Amsterdam
(texts can be republished freely when the source location is mentioned or the source link is provided)
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