Energy as Auction is about the sale of new energy investments by auction. It will be used by parties of both sides (investment case supply and investment case demand) to get their wanted best possible deals in the market place. Both side of the auctions will use the Energy as Variable model combined with the Energy as Rating model to determine the most accurate ROI perspectives of the investment case. Planck Foundation in cooperation with Open Foundation will develop an open auction model that can be used by third parties. For fair trade it's important that all bids are published so that other bidders can determine by themselves the quality of the offers. Auctions can have a limited period and a minimum salesprice. Auctions can be used by project developers sale of new yet to initiate projects, by project developers/owners for projects under construction and by project owners for sale of existing projects. Acquiring equity/finance by project developers will be done with the Energy as Tendering model. The Energy as Auction model is full focused on project sales. This can be both as whole project (to one buyer), or in parts (to many buyers), from one owner (that owns the full project), or from many owners (that owns parts of the projects). The purpose of the Energy as Auction model is a) to facilitate very cheap digital trade of energy projects, b) to deliver 'ready to step in' of energy cases to the worldwide financial world, c) to offer energy project owners the possibility to sell their assets to financials. The combination of Energy as Tendering and Energy as Auction will be used by smart energy project developers of energy project financiers to build and sell energy investment cases. By the Energy as Auction model this even can be done before the project is realized (as the Energy as Ration model rates the realization guarantees too). Energy as Auction is a concept capable of generating a massive energy transition investment wave.
Author: Gijs Graafland
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