DM stands for Direct Model. The consumer demands more influence on the way their capital is used. Certainly as the so called professionals have made a mash and has proven to care more for their own fees (that reduce the future payments to the clients) than for the future payments of the client. The 'let the professionals take care of it' model is declining. The professionals where not that pro as they presented themselves. The professionals are more and more emperors without cloths. People, companies and governments start to understand that their deposits, savings and their pensions make not only their own future security, but also shape the current and future generic economic model. The awareness will rise more and more. Both by just generic media coverage on the economy and financials, but also by economic change focus movement that promotes this concept. In the US and Canada the Credit Unions are very active (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cawzTSVTP2M). In the USA there even a fast growing movement promoting this concept (www.moveyourmoney.org). This development is feed by three major generic social/economic processes. First: the generic democracy wave that has grown the last 100 years and now reaching even the financial industry. Second: the generic transparency wave that has grown the last 50 years and now reaches it the last non transparent bastions. Third: The huge paradigmatic change of the media, giving a more pluralistic media landscape with ditto more diversity in news on the economy and financials. Fourth: IT makes it possible the manage own stocks trade and will make it possible to also determine the 'direction' of own deposits, savings and pension capital. The central place (roundabout) in this new 'capital democracy' is for energy. People will leave pension funds (as in: go to other capital democracy facilitating pension funds). Capital democracy will go as far as that the ownership of investments will move from indirect (pension funds) to direct (client). The new capital democracy based pension funds will be no more and no less that pension service partners. Capital will stay closer to home (equals less risk and thereby more total return), the Energy as Direct model can use the data structures of Open Foundation to use local capital to build the local economy. The Energy as Direct Model is a concept capable of generating a massive energy transition investment wave.
Author: Gijs Graafland
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