Social networks are often called Web 2.0, as they play a crucial role in reversing direction of the Internet. Push to pull, professional driven information to user driven information, professional driven communication to user driven communication. Social networks are the right merge between professional technology and user driven information/communication. Energy as Social is about an Open Social protocol platform attached to Energy as Match concept. Energy as Social is about digitally very easy facilitating demand creation and concentration. It's about facilitating people to take the lead in their own street, district, village, city, region and nation in energy transition. Ideological (fee free), or commercial (fee based), that doesn't matter, the concept is the same: facilitating very easy to initiate and manage demand creation and demand concentration. Users can make 'virtual containers' that they could place on their own profiles on network sites which interacts with both the network site database as the 'Energy as Social' plus the 'Energy as Match' database. Each profile owner on an Open Social connected profile based network site can initiate a project: Everybody can make an Open Social container on the 'Energy as Social' website. Or in case of joint initiative or cooperation with that social network with the 'Energy as Social' initiative- even on that social network. Everybody can invite people to the functionalities of the 'container' by their own network site database tech. The 'Energy as Social' initiative don't want to focus on growth of own memberships, but wants to cooperate with all the existing network sites. Not creating own 'mass' using other 'mass' to create transition information/communication/demand volume. This even could be done with a build in fee for the network sites, as they all very much like income (or income diversification). The content of the 'Energy as Social' model come besides from the profile owners/relations, also from the database of the 'Energy as Match' model, where financiers and suppliers have 'posted' there products/services. It's safe to say that every internet user is part of some kind of social network (if we see MSN and hotmail also as such). Energy as Social is a concept capable of generating a massive energy transition investment wave.
Author: Gijs Graafland
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