What is the future? 1) Energy prices will be much, much more higher than we used to. All models based on cheap energy will be abandoned (as they become to expensive). We will switch to low energy / high prosperity economies. The distance facet (transportation/mobility) will be cut where possible, as it will been seen as a prosperity burning/burdening time/energy/device costs facet of economy. 2) Energy prices will harmonize due the market demand/supply mechanism. When the one source becomes to expensive (for example: oil), nations will switch to other resources (for example: coal or natural gas), till prices are harmonized. Nations will a lot of power production switch capacity are able to reduce the energy burden of the economy with al least 5%, but there is no nation with power production over capacity as power demand rises more and more. 3) Natural gas is an energy resource that beside its energy value also a flexibility characteristic. Gas driven power plants can be fired up and turned down in just in a minute, no other The world will stay searching for a technology that will release/harvest energy. 4) Renewable energy will become the most affordable energy source. 5) Economies will be strong localized. 6) The search for new both abundant and cheap to harvest energy will become the major direction of science, integrating many disciplines. 7) Energy storage and flexible energy use solutions will become important technological area's. 8) We will produce most of our power at our homes/offices: each building will have maximal PV energy generation by other roof, wall and window (invisible partial glass embedded light redirection to the side: concentrated PV technology) constructions and a vertical design based no noise windmill on the roof. 9) Factories are energy deficit: the will buy power from surrounding homes. 10) Any domestic/commercial building will have a power management device that adequate manages power use by current power generation and grid power prices. 11) If energy storage devices get less expensive, every building also will have an energy storages device. 12) The electrical grid will get a complete other topology, not longer based on central power production, dedicated on decentral power production. The local grid will be bought by the local government. 13) By the new grid design, transport fees on the grid will be divided in local, or calculated per destination. Overcapacity can be exchange between everybody against only a small (grid investment/maintenance/transportlost) fee, the shorter the distance, the more attractive it will be. 14) the edge equipment (measuring power in/output from/to the grid) will be a grid approved device. 15) Power theft (by device manipulation) will be track instantly by the grid and will bring someone in court. 16) Power generation equals not only no expenses, but also earnings. 17) Energy is capital. 18) Coal miners and oil majors will move to each other (major to miner development). In coal beds there is gas to explore.
Author: Gijs Graafland
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