The wind is also a huge energy pool that can be harvested. Wind is just an other derivative of solar energy: the sun hits the earth (continents or oceans) and air gets warmer and rises, cooling down and descent to lower levels again. Where air rises there is low air pressure, where air descents there is over air pressure, wind is just air that moves from over air pressure or to under air pressure or flows from over to under air pressure the same time. Roofmills, standalone mills, windparks and highrise attached windfunnel structures with internal fans. These high rise air wind funnels have also huge positive air flow resistance effect on high rise structures. If high rise structures for living and office has a future in a post carbon area is certainly a valid question. High rise structures will be energy deficit. They have a too low solar energy production capacity for living, therefore they are energy deficit, therefore living there will be expensive due the needed energy purchases caused to this energy deficit of the high rise, therefore only affordable for the wealthy, or the current operators must first go bankrupt and then offer double apartments for the price of a single so that the energy production and food production per unit will be higher. High rise structures for office use will become useless due the fact that commuting to the office will become to expensive. All office space operators will face bankruptcy by a high energy price as organizations will grow from physic structures to digital organisms. Large parts of the current high rise structures will be used for growing food by use of the Grow|OS technology. High rises will have vertical windmills all around the building surface. These will be attached to the building core structure as current high rise surfaces mostly are only carpeting the outside of the building. On the top of each high rise there will one huge horizontal operating windmill of several huge vertical operating windmills. Concentrated industry areas (which are per definition energy deficit, regardless the achieved conservation technologies) will install huge windparks to power their plans/factories. Each village and city will have multiple windparks (if the wind is good). Their will be huge remote windparks at sea, in the deserts and everywhere were the wind is good. An example of such a plan can be found at www.pickensplan.com: a huge onshore wind plan in the heart of the US. Only T. Boone Pickens can say "we have good wind" the way he does. This man needs to be honored for his achievement on his age. An open minded oil specialist that has become a general energy specialist, 81 years in age, who's fighting for the energy security of his country, with a very clear plan to replace the natural gas component of power generation by wind energy with a concrete plan. 20% of the power in the US is generated by natural gas. One of the presidential candidates has already talked with him and knows since than more basic data on energy. Energy is something both presidential candidates are not very strong in, while it hold the economic future of the US. Governments needs to address the transport infrastructure of remote windpark locations. They can do that by issuing legislation and guarantees as more extended described in the transport paragraph below.
Author: Gijs Graafland
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