Planck Foundation has made two Analyses: First the more deepened Global Resources Analysis which has also illustrating images included and than the text only Global Future Analysis. These two Analyses are mend to create a huge global awareness wave under leaders, scientists and opinion makers. The digital version is and stays the draft version. Many people from many countries on the world has offered to translate the Analyses, but the localization must be done commercial by commercial publishers. Therefore both the low English quality and the low picture quality of the drafts will be fixed by national publishers in the final printed versions. The more shortened version with the name Global Future Analysis is mend to be partial republished by third party media. Several economic-, political-, environmental- and social media will publish the Global Future Analysis in a chapter based series over a certain period of time. Newspapers and newssites will do this in a 2 week schedule. The Global Resources Analysis is read 1,500,000 times in a few months since it's draft version release in April 2008. The Global Future Analysis is yet since the beginning of September 2008 digitally distributed on the Internet with the slightly corrected version of the Global Resources Analysis digitally attached to it. The reach data of the Global Future Analysis will be published soon. Voluminous digital distribution and massive partial publishing enforce the market chances of printed versions of both analyses. The best illustration of this is the Oprah book club: the download number of a book by Oprah on the book section of her website relates directly to retail turnover numbers: the more downloads, the more retail sales. The number of readers of the digital document till now is very attractive: as already mentioned above: in July the 1.5 million readers barrier was taken for the Global Resources Analysis only. The number of readers will explode in last quarter of 2008 when the shortened Global Future Analysis will gets it's global exposure and gets partial reprints in third party media and by the below describe communications. The timing in terms of market season for print publishers is just right (the gift season is coming). The exposure will support printed copy sales tremendously.
Author: Gijs Graafland
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