Planck Foundation will build a huge and very divers (mainly third media/stream/communication focused/powered/feeding) communication mix on top of the major distribution/exposure of these 2 analyses and 10 models. Central facet and driving force in this exposure model is the free download possibility of all 12 reports. 1) The first initial related exposure focus is sending the both Analyses to as many as possible leaders of the global economy, society and media, based on a during time compiled contact database of 300.000 leading decision makers globally. 2) The second initial related exposure focus is giving these people the free possibility to forward/broadcast the Analyses and Models within their networks. This possibility has give the Global Resources Analysis its 1,500,000 readers in only 3 months time. Acquaintance based reception or recommendation gives always more effect on communication. This possibility will be also supported by a functionality on the www.planck.org website, that facilitates people to send their relations a copy of the Analyses and Models for free (mail a friend or mail all friends by easy uploading a list of pushing personal contact list). 3) The third initial related exposure focus is on third party media exposure. Giving third party media the possibility to use parts of the Global Resources Analysis and the Global Future Analysis in their (digital or printed) publication, with any charge. Giving them high quality interesting content without the normal to this fact attached copyright payments. Pre-processing information/data for them. Additional the both analyses are also full of potential quotation lines due the used writing style. The third party media will pick-up many strong lines available in both Analyses. The exposure of GRA and GFA based quotations in third party media will also attract a lot of readers. The availability of loads of testimonials from PMs, central bankers, economists, social leaders, scientists, journalists, CEOs, CFOs and politicians on the plank.org website certainly speeds up both third party forwarding and third party media exposure, as they function as reference boosting environment. A negative side effect is that Google ad exploration fake sites with also use the pages of the texts to attract traffic, but this is a side effect that can't be avoided, an open model for third party partial text publishing always will have these kind of side effects. 4) The fourth initial related exposure focus is banners set in different sizes and with different messages and layouts that third party websites can run. The banners direct to the download page of the reports on www.planck.org. This will boost the download number severely. If the pressure on the server will get to high, the pressure can be easily distributed on more servers. 5) The fifth initial related exposure focus is publishing the Analyses and Models in print in as many local languages as possible around the globe. The already existing exposure for the GRA and the GFA makes publishing both Analyses (and the Models after that) in their national languages very interesting from commercial perspective (high volume possibilities by just a little additional local exposure). All these 12 publications also promote their own mother/daughter/sister publications. Planck Foundation is searching for a global orientated publisher who's just good in making as much as possible national publishing (with attached exposure) deals and we are willing to cut profits on these very attractive possibility in these adequate momentum in time in three (national publisher, international contractor and Planck Foundation). So a very transparent type of deal, where everybody take it's own attached risk. All these 12 publications has/will gain intellectual weight by Planck Foundation as initiator/publisher. The market turmoil will increase in second half 2008 severely. Making those 12 just in time, just in place, just in content, just in volume. National publishers can offer a deal for national markets, global publishers can offer a deal for conquering the global market in the next years. Both the Analyses and the Models have a long and recurring commercial lifeline, because they can be republished each year as long as this credit/energy/water and their deferred crises (like the Food Crisis and other crises) are present. The subjects of the GRA and GFA are so common that every local journalist, opinion leader, political leader will be lined up to discuss these publications time after time in the local media. This multiplies the exposure (and multi nation release possibilities) instead of reducing it by just only a single author focused presence exposure. 6) The sixth initial related exposure focus is a news section on the planck.org site concerning the 2 Analyses and the 10 Models and their global roll-out, with attached a newsletter subscription and a RSS feed. National publishers and energy/water/food/policy/strategy corporations also can apply for the rights for an own national or corporate version. 7) The seventh initial related exposure focus is a podcast section, an webcast section (YouTube hosted), an image/picture section/channel (Flickr Pro hosted) and a video section/channel (YouTube hosted) attached to the planck.org website. 8) The eight initial related exposure focus is both a forum and wiki attached to the planck.org website as preparation of the global roll-out of the Movement. 9) The ninth initial related exposure focus is adding 1 to 1 communication tools to the planck.org website (and maybe with also 1 to x possibilities), in the form of chat, email addresses, email magazines, RSS feeds, audio/phone and video/videocalling/webcast technology. 10) The tenth initial related exposure focus is adding an e-learning system attached to the www.planck.org website (giving certificates per localization initialization or sector initialization course). After these 10 initial and relatively simple to realize communication facets there will be enough exposure to start some big not digital exposure projects. 11) This will start with making a Committee of Recommendation: a list of important people who welcomes the Global Development Movement. Planck Foundation also can act as bookings agency for public appearances of these high quality opinion/decision makers: giving Planck Foundation an additional initial budget for the realization of the digital structures. 12) There will be a tour (a workshop/conference in each country) leading to a global summit (a global conference) attached). 13) There will be a local, regional and global music event attached. 14) There will be a feature movie (working on contacts with Hollywood for this) attached. 15) There will be at least one documentary (but certainly space/material for more) attached. The initial focused exposure are other items than the Communication Model. The Communication Model facilitates completely third party communications (for example school projects, governmental energy communication kits etc). The initial focused exposure promotes the Analyses, the Models and the Movement to decision makers globally. The Communication Model supports local/regional/national decision makers in governments, organizations and companies worldwide in their internal/external communication on energy prices-shortages-effects-consequences-solutions. Of course the income of the third party printed publications and the income due the 11/12/13/14/15 actions will give additional operational budgets. Also maybe some sponsoring of or advertising on the own publications and media.
Author: Gijs Graafland
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