Above Exposure actions and Movement model of Planck Foundation are open for free participation to anyone. Local, regional, national, continental, global. Contact interested media/journalists in your local/regional/national reach. Start your local/regional/national community now on the website. Share your specific local/functional knowledge/experience digitally within the Movement, come into action. Contribute, support or realize. Either or both local/experience focused or functional/knowledge/experience focused. Share your practical energy knowledge. Get your local community moving. Or get global involved in a helpdesk/group, a functional desk/group or an exposure desk/group. Or get involved in building the digital structure: there will not any basic technology created: just building an information/action complex by assembling existing open source internet technology into one login functional structure. Planck Foundation will use the export and development funds of both Holland and Europe to assist participants anywhere in the world in building local low-energy/high-prosperity development/publishing structures/events.
Author: Gijs Graafland
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