As a person/author with a birth ground and an environment, I want to thank Roland, Jan, Paul, Jacquelien, Bennie, Erna, Wendy, Manon, Merel, Dennis, Anouk, Peter, Joscha, Hylke, Lin, Sytske, Kostas, Michel, Jarno, Ben, Esther, Frank, Arie, Johanna, Anneke, Dennis, Perry, Martijn, Monique, Karel, Abdulla, Peter, Herman, Erik, Harm, Alda, JanWillem, Aiko, Marc, Daniel, Casper, Pablo, Jan, Frank, Günter, Moret and the Rabobank for their contributions to my life. Sometimes we have gone other roads, but this Analyses/Models/Facilities were not produced as they is without all of you. The Analyses/Models/Facilities are born by/due a lot of research time you've all give me and a lot of birth pain you've all support me in. Thanks for this, I know it was for you all more difficult than for me, while I was searching for routes for the new ways from here to the future and after that searching period the time came that all you guys saw was dust and a road through the wilderness. I hope that the information produced will contribute to the future perspectives of us: than it certainly was worth the mutual turbulence of researching/creating them. End good, all good.
Author: Gijs Graafland
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