There are many reasons why localization will increase the coming year enormously. The first reason is high energy prices. They make mobility and transport more expensive. The market mechanism that triggers both local anything in favor of not local anything by each choice. The second reason (caused by the first one) is that job miles will reduce: people will search jobs closer to home, this will increase enormously cause a more 'local root' feeling, with large societal effects. The third reason (also caused by the first one) is that the number of 'food miles' will reduce, from now roughly average approximately 1500 miles / 2500 km, to a more local/nearby food production. The fourth reason is independent from the first one but very complementary on it is: geo-targeted ad technology. Advertising will be more and more geo-targeted: Google Adwords already offers local advertising. I-Local is an example of a geo-targeted database driven online model type like the old Yellow Pages. Local production/deliver of products and services will grow tremendously: avoiding energy spills and time spills and therefore give more value for money. The fifth reason is also independent from the first one, but very complementary to both energy prices and local ad demand: is geo-targeted media (as in local digital media). These will yet boost when large national media corporations launch or a local dedicated digital portal structure, or a combined national/local digital portal structure. The sixth reason is the rise of use of remote desktop and xml desktop technology, which make office locations less important in corporate function. Office people will more and more work at home of in 'desk hotels' in their home town. The localization caused by high energy prices and the strong increase of geo-targeted advertising both will boost local media structures powered by the large national media corporations. An integrated combination of a publishing engine and an ad engine, operated partly national by the exploitation corporation and partly local by franchisers. The news reporter with wireless/mobile video/audio (as in quality phone) will be back on the streets of the cities (fulltimers and freelancers) and villages (freelancers). Local will become hip, the place to be, this will increase quantity and quality. Local events will get the exposure they deserve and will be more crowded (and therefore better, nicer, more quality, more quantity) than these days. High energy cost and geo-targeted advertising and geo-targeted publishing will boost localization: a more local (distance avoiding) focused economic, societal and mind development. Localization is no isolation. Localization is just using less energy.
Author: Gijs Graafland
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