When water sources are contaminated population gets sick, societies will collapse and the population of regions start drifting, even when the contamination is temperately. The decentral water policy will prevent such problems. Huge central monoline solutions in water supply are a huge economic/societal risk and should be avoided. Complete regions that depend on one source is just bagging for trouble to happen. In too big infrastructures with no supply diversification, just one fast growing algae could cause than the collapse of a society. Floods also can cause water contaminations. Iraq has some severe water contamination these days by dead/wasted bodies just thrown into the Tigris. The water contamination of the Ganges by sewage dumps is known for decades. In the Western World huge sewage systems investments have clarified the surface waters. But these sewage systems are getting old, the leak severely contaminated water into the very valuable (during age purified) soil water reserves, which could make the exploitation of them very expensive. Water contaminations are no longer a dedicated Emerging World problem. If the Western World doesn't address their sewage leakages they face also water contamination problems. Addressing sewage renovation demands very huge investments and should be done simultaneously with fiber network roll-outs. Natural caused Climate Change is also a big danger for possible water contaminations. Floods waste/pollute any available clean water for long times.
Author: Gijs Graafland
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