The wealth of the world population is still growing. In 2000 50% of the world adult population owned approximately only 1% of global wealth. This general poverty is changing rapidly by the Asian economic wonders of nations like China and India. Prosperity levels are rising very quickly in many nations creating not only a top wealth layer, but also a wide middle class prosperity. China is the best example of this development. Approximately 4.0 billion (more than 50%) of the current 6.7 billion people on earth live in Asia and the Middle East. Asia really has the last years several major economic (and also political) tailwinds by becoming the manufacturers nation of the world. The Middle East has had tailwind since their oil and gas wealth starts rolling from the '50ties. The wealth of these 4.0 billion people is growing each year. Their standards of living improve in terms of income and purchase power each year further. These 4.0 billion people want the same wealth as people in the EU or the USA and they're right about this. Prosperity equals energy use. The demand for energy in a region rise enormously when prosperity grows in a region. Not longer is just a small part of the world population wealthy, but each month more people get increased prosperity. More global prosperity demand heavily more energy and resources. The world can handle growth of global prosperity; we just need to use bio technology and energy technology more smart. The high energy prices are also an enormous transfer of capital from the nations of the Western World to some of the energy surplus nations of the Emerging World, giving them the purchase power to increase prosperity significant.
Author: Gijs Graafland
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