Many elements are unnecessary spilled as waste, elements gets more expensive and waste treatments also. Therefore there is lot to gain concerning the current elements spills. This spilling is based on the tradition of cheap element prices. When element prices go severely up, many ways of wasting elements will be automatically stopped, just by the price mechanism of the market. Many recycling systems these days are subsidized, the need for this will disappear by higher market value of elements. The also increasing price of disposing waste gives an extra economic motivation to recycling and redesigning industrial production processes. In Holland in the province of Groningen (which wants to become the 'Houston' of Europe by its natural gas reserves), companies with waste streams or warmth disposal concentrate themselves in one physically cluster area. The waste of the one company is a feed for processes of an other company. When the energy price component of each product will become more clear (at that will be certainly the case by the current and severe growing higher energy prices), unnecessary wasting elements will shrink as snow for the sun, because recycling will become very economic by high element prices. This contributes certainly heavenly to the process of maintaining a growing prosperity in times of high element prices. This doesn't apply only to the industry, but also to local households: When governmental budgets shrink (and the will do certainly as PeakOil hits economies), governments will subsidies all kind of local initiative less. Combine this budget shrinking development with much higher resource prices. Then you concluded that paper and iron will be collected by sport/societal organization again (as it has been done till the early '70ties).
Author: Gijs Graafland
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