Maybe we're able to solve the fertilizer transition. Is it not solved, but maybe we can. But the bio chemical science world must take this very seriously and make it to their main target. Certainly the people who will find and be able to cultivate the algae that as an on location bio active fertilizer can be spread on soil and capture N2 from the air bind it to other elements will get the Nobel Price for peace. Because they will be the people who will made feeding the world (all it's currently 6.7 billion, and future 9.0 billion people) during and after PeakGas possible. And it will prevent a situation where Russia (more specific: the 3 headed board of Gazprom), Qatar and Iran can decide who gets to eat for a reasonable price. This by the fact that the current fertilizer production process is mainly based on the chemical characteristics of natural gas and only Russia and Iran yet has the large reserves of natural gas left that is required for fertilizer production. Oil (+30% more energy needed) and coal (+ 70% more energy needed) can be used, but are much more energy inefficient in use by fertilizer production.
Author: Gijs Graafland
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